1950s Coupon – TV Auction Bucks, Sam Salmon Store

Circa 1950s


A white piece of paper, measuring approx. 5 inches by 2 inches, printed on both sides in yellow ink. The front identifies this as a T-V Auction Buck and the back lists the process for using the certificate. There is a black ink stamp on the back for Sam Salmon store in Lewisville. The coupon has been folded twice into quarters.


TV Auction Club aired on WOR-TV. Viewers bid for merchandise that host Johnny Olson presented to the home audience. Items had to be paid for with “TV Auction Bucks” that were awarded free with purchases at participating retailers in multiple states. The program debuted on April 9, 1952, and ran weekly for 13 weeks. Newspaper advertising indicates additional seasons in 1954 and 1957.

Donated by George Gober on April 27, 2022.