
The City of Lewisville has more than 400 print and digital photos in the Lewisville Collection, dating from as early as the 1870s. These photographs have been obtained from many different sources, most prominently when long-time Lewisville residents and descendants of early community members recognize that donating to a preserved and documented collection is the best way to ensure that the Lewisville Story continues to be shared by future generations. These photos help bring Lewisville’s history to light and put relatable human faces on long-ago events. This page presents a sampling of photographic images contained in The Lewisville Collection.

Email [email protected] if you are interested in donating to the archive or loaning photos or videos for digital scanning.

1900 – 1909
1910 – 1919
1920 – 1929
1930 – 1939
1940 – 1949
Visual Portfolio, Posts & Image Gallery for WordPress
1950 – 1959