1951 Card – FHA Membership Jane Salmon

Circa 1951


Ivory card, measuring approx. 3.75 inches by 2.25 inches, printed in red with a membership form for Future Homemakers of America. The blanks have been filled in with handwritten notes dating the card to September 1951 and identifying student Janie Salmon at Lewisville School. It s signed by member Janie Salmon and chapter secretary Jo Gentry.


Lewisville’s first high school class opened in 1897 and graduated its first five students in 1901. All grades met in the same building until a stand-alone Lewisville High School opened in 1949 on Purnell Street in downtown Lewisville. In 1968, a new LHS campus opened in farmland on the western edge of town, at the school’s current location. The building was largely rebuilt in 2012-2013.

Donated by Jane Salmon Franklin on January 4, 2023.