Circa 1967
A cardboard sheet, measuring approx. 10 inches by 13 inches, with a stack of calendar pages, measuring approx. 5.5 inches by 2.5 inches, stapled to the bottom-center of the front face. The top calendar page is for January 1967.
Above the calendar pages is printing that identities Bill’s Market, owner Bill White, and product and contact information for the store. A large New England image covers the top two-thirds.
Bill’s Market opened in 1935. Bill White first ran the business for his brother-in-law and two partners, then bought it from them in 1939. The business moved in 1941 to 121 N. Mill Street, midblock between Main and Church.
He sold the market in 1946. The original building burned down a week later, and he bought back the property to build and open a new Bill’s Market. Bill and Bobby Westbrook bought the business in 1968 and it continued to operate under various ownership until 1978.
Purchased from an eBay vendor in December 2022.