1951 – Lewisville High School Letterman Jacket – Bill Young

Circa 1951

THE Item

Boy’s letter jacket, maroon with grey sleeves and pockets, has an embroiders “L patch with one slash on the front and a patch for the 1952 District 10-A basketball championship team on the right sleeve. The name “Bill Young” is stitched in the jacket lining.


Item donated on 2/11/2022 by Kara Young and previously belonging to her mother, Jeanice Russell Young, who died in 2021. Her mother was a 1953 graduate of Lewisville High School who worked for LISD and retired as school secretary at College Street Elementary School. Her father, Bill Young, was a 1952 graduate of Lewisville High School who worked as the golf pro at Lewisville Golf Course.

Donated by Kara Young on February 11, 2022.