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Peacherine Ragtime Orchestra Society Silent Film at The Grand Theater

March 7 @ 7:30 pm 9:30 pm

As part of the Lewisville Centennial Celebration come experience the Peacherine Ragtime Orchestra Society’s live orchestra performance to the score of the film, The Freshman (1925) starring Harold Lloyd. The Freshman is a classic “college comedy” of the 1920s portraying Harold Lloyd as he enrolls at Tate University for this hilarious telling of university life, sports, and more. The evening will include this feature length silent comedy and include several stand-alone ragtime and early jazz pieces.

The 12-piece Peacherine Ragtime Society Orchestra accompanies classic silent films with their original, historic orchestral scores and sound effects. Use this link to learn more about Peacherine Ragtime Society Orchestra.

The Peacherine Ragtime Society Orchestra (PRSO) is the leading professional ragtime orchestra in the United States. Under the direction of virtuoso Andrew Greene, PRSO recreates the syncopated stylings of a bygone era— Ragtime, Theater, and Dance music, along with underscoring classic silent films using an immense archive of more than 15,000 original
orchestral scores.


Lewisville Grand Theater

100 N. Charles Street
Lewisville, Texas 75057
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